samedi 16 août 2014

United States of America

                                         General definition of the United States of America

United States of America is a federal constitutional republic comprising fifty states and the Federal Capital Territory. Most of the country is located in the center of North America, where the 48 states and Washington, DC between the Pacific Ocean and the Atlantic Ocean and is bordered by Canada to the north and Mexico to the south. Alaska is located in the northwest of the continent, bordered by Canada to the east and Russia to the west across the Bering Strait. The state of Hawaii, which is an archipelago located in the middle of the Pacific Ocean. It also includes many of the state land and islands in the Caribbean and Pacific.

United States comes in third or fourth in terms of area (3.79 million square miles, or 9.83 million km 2), and occupies third place in terms of population (307 million people). And characterized the United States as one of the world's most diverse in terms of race and culture, and came as a result of mass immigration to different countries. [6] The American economy the largest national economy in the world, with an estimated GDP for 2008 estimated at 14.3 trillion (USD 23 per cent of the global total, based on nominal GDP and almost 21% in terms of purchasing power parity).

Country was founded by thirteen British colony along the Atlantic coast. These colonies issued the Declaration of Independence on the Fourth of July in 1776, which acknowledged their independence from Great Britain and the formation of a federal government. Defeated the rebellious states of Great Britain in the American Revolutionary War, the first colonial war successful get independence. [8] adopted the Convention on the Philadelphia American Constitution current on the seventeenth of September in 1787; was ratified in the next year, making those states part of a single republic have a strong central government. As has been the ratification of the Bill of Rights in 1791, and comprises ten constitutional amendments to ensure a lot of basic civil rights and freedoms.

In the nineteenth century, the United States acquired land from France, Spain, the United Kingdom, Mexico, Russia, and annexed the Republic of Texas and Hawaii. Disputes between the agricultural area south and the north industrial area about states' rights and the expansion of the slave trade to the outbreak of the American Civil War in the sixties of the nineteenth century. Prevent the victory of the northern region a split in the country, which led to the end of legal slavery in the United States. The national economy has become the largest economy in the world by the year 1870 and confirmed the Spanish-American War and World War I on the military power of the country. In 1945, the United States had emerged from World War II to be the first country with nuclear weapons and a permanent member of the Security Council of the United Nations, and founding member of the North Atlantic Treaty Organization. As the United States became the only superpower in the world after the end of the Cold War and the disintegration of the Soviet Union. The amount the United States spends on American forces about 50 per cent of global military spending, as is the strength of economic, political and cultural world.

General information about the country:
-National motto: In God We Trust
-DC: Washington
-Largest city: New York City
- Official language: not an official language at the federal level
- The national language: English (de facto rule)
- Designation of the population: American
- The system of government: a constitutional republic with a presidential federal
- President: Barack Obama
- Vice: President Joe Biden
- Chairman of the House of Representatives John Boehner
- Chairman: Justice John Roberts
- Legislative power: Congress
- The Supreme Council: the United States Senate
- The lower house: the House of Representatives
- Human Development Index (2011) 0.910 (very high)
- Currency USD: ($) (USD)
- Time zone: (UTC -5 to -10)
- In the summer (DST): (UTC from -4 to -10)
- Point of leadership: right
- Internet code: .us .gov .mil .edu
- International dialing codes: +1

                                How to immigrate to the United States of America

Immigration to America Aacharaah limited in several ways:

1 reunion is his father or mother or sister or son or daughter, husband or wife in the United States

2 migration adoptions

3 migration of businessmen who want to invest a million dollars in America

4 cases of humanitarian asylum

5. immigration through a lottery organized by the State Department annually

There is no need to pay any dollars for any human being, you can apply yourself in accordance with the standards required by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs
                                                 Draw immigration to America

Each year, the American government provides the opportunity for anyone who wants to migrate through the work of a random draw (lottery), and choose between 50000 and 55000 people worldwide. This is completely random lottery, any unrelated to age, sex or religion. But there is a minimum to provide them, which the applicant a high school diploma or its equivalent, or proof of work experience for two years in the job recognized by the American government.

Required: Name - Title - Date of Birth - Place of Birth - level of education - the social situation (in addition to the same data for the husband / wife and children, if any), with a photograph and one minute for each individual specifications.

The application period begins from the beginning of October until the beginning of December

And announce the results in the period between May and July

Important Note:
American electronic lottery does not require any expenses when filling out an application at the site approved, direct, and is recognized by the authorities, and does not recognize any mediation by sites or other bodies.

                                                         Studying in America

characterized by the education system in the United States multi-study options available to students because enrolls them in proportion to first with his desires and inclinations personal, and secondly with the requirements of the labor market, so finding study options multiple students in the United States in line with the meet reality and variables market working and new fields which arise within the United States and globally.

And adopt the American Academy of Science and Technology option professional education, which has become one of the most study options prevailing in America, which aims to provide scientific knowledge and the process required to the labor market in the United States and abroad, among the elite of the diploma programs professional characteristic provided by the American Academy of Science and Technology in a manner contemporaneous The contemporary and grainy for all students from various countries around the world.

May be specialties Diploma Professional studied by the American Academy of Science and Technology, such as international trade, marketing, business management, advertising, project management, human development, financial management and other disciplines distinctive, is the most popular valuable field of professional education in America, and that the American Academy of Science and technology provide them to students in America and all the nations of the world in a way distance education according to the highest scientific standards applicable in the United States of America and the adoption of a full and constant supervision of the department keeping quality and the quality of education at the American Society for education.

                                                 Work and live in the United States

United States is the largest economic power in the world and the most powerful of the Republic, the population of the United States enjoy the best facilities to live and work, and get a chance to live and work in the United States is a dream come true, people from all over the world seeking to obtain permanent immigration (green card) every year, different benefits and the many advantages of the green card in the United States attracts people to get the green card.

There are different ways to get a green card to the United States, however, the best and easiest way is through the lottery. Lottery Program (also known as the Green Card Lottery) operated by the United States Citizenship and Immigration Services, provides 55,000 green cards each year.

Despite the existence of other means of providing green card but people are attracted towards diversity lottery program because of the simplicity of the application process and the chances of winning the green card lottery by luck.

The second most popular ways to get a green card (green card) of the United States are:

   1 through immigration care of by family members - and this is a multi step process which need to be citizen is nearby
Of the United States or a permanent presence of migrants. Your neighbor (who is a citizen or lawful permanent resident of the United States) to submit a petition to your advantage with your directory with respect to them, and then must wait, and conduct a series of checks.

2 - migration through work - and the process for people who came from a group of professionals categorized by the United States government as a priority for workers and professionals holding advanced degrees, or skilled technicians and workers, immigrants or private. If a person of any of the above categories, then he should be the employer as a sponsor of the American, who completed a certificate request to work for the applicant, and submitted to the Ministry of Labor, Employment and Training Administration. This is a multi-step process that involves many documents, restrictions and verification at each end.

To avoid the hassles of these operations, most applicants choose to program the lottery to get a green card. Although the results of the lottery program declared after two years, but due to less frills than other processes to get a green card is the best.

After obtaining a green card, winning not only qualified to live in the United States for an indefinite period. But gets different types of preferences and facilities by the Government of the United States.

In short, the green card in the United States guarantees a bright and successful in personal and professional life. Therefore, if you tend to travel to America, a request was made to get a green card through the lottery program and check your luck.

source :

Hong Kong


Hong Kong is located at the mouth of the Pearl River Delta on the coast of southern China. Has been turned into a center of attraction for international trade, thanks to its geographical location, which made ​​it a gateway between east and west. As a result, it was still bustling Victoria Harbour and the heart of the beautiful cosmopolitan city in Asia. Hong Kong Island is located in the south of the harbor, and constitute the Kowloon Peninsula, the northern beaches. And is located in the northern New Territories Kowloon, stretching even mainland China. The Hong Kong with more than 200 islands surrounding, including Lantau Island, where the Hong Kong International Airport.

Hong Kong is located on the southeast coast of China, has contributed to its strategic location on the Pearl River Delta and South China Sea coast in converted into one of the most recognizable cities in the world thanks to its prosperity and openness to the world.
I was born and Hong Kong that we know today when the government defeated the Qing dynasty Chinese in the First Opium War in 1842, and ceded Hong Kong Island to the benefit of Britain. During the 60 years, has also been leasing the New Territories and 235 surrounding the island of Britain. However, the history of the area occupied by the Hong Kong today 0.1100 square kilometers, preceded by a series of events Qing more than a thousand years. While exploring the rich heritage of the city, you will discover the stories of the powerful clans and pirate invaders and European traders.
Characterized Hong Kong, since its early days as a British colony, being a center of international trade. In the turbulent years of the early twentieth century, the number of the city's population as a result of the influx of a large number of refugees, mostly from China. This has helped the arrival of large numbers of immigrants in the launch of a new role of Hong Kong as a major industrial. Became characterized Hong Kong is also an abundance of energy and industrial resources where, what contributed to stimulate the economy. In recent decades, with the opening of the economy, which witnessed the Chinese mainland, Hong Kong fought a new twist - this time to a service-based economy and an important gateway to the largest market in the world.
In the first of the month of July 1997, turned to the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region of the People's Republic of China, pursuant to the principle of "one country, two systems." This arrangement allowed the city to enjoy a high degree of autonomy, including maintaining its system of capitalist and an independent judiciary and the rule of law, free trade and freedom of expression.
A quick look at the city gives a strong impression that change is the only constant is here. However, the essence of Hong Kong has not changed in spite of all these transformations. In fact, the energy and dynamism which are transformed in the last group of fishing villages inert to the meeting point for international trade, ferrying day global city in Asia to the twenty-first century. Experience the story of Hong Kong and the essence of yourself by exploring the rich culture and heritage, which is characterized by the city.

                                                           Language and Culture

Back preferred this rich mix of cultures, which gives Hong Kong character individually to the colonial history of the city and its port International. Although the majority of the city's population speak the Chinese language, but you'll hear a mix of Asian and European languages ​​when hiking in the streets of the city.
Speaks 88 per cent of the population of Hong Kong Cantonese language, a dialect minority in mainland China. However, in Hong Kong spread to other Chinese dialects, such as Alhaka and Altaacheiniz Altaoshio and, of course, and Mandarin - which represents the official Chinese dialect spoken and became widely since the reunification of the city in 1997.
Starting from the date of the establishment of colonial Hong Kong harbor, passing through the stage, which turned the city into a manufacturing center, right down to its current role as a financial center worldwide, showed the population of the city is always a lot of openness to the world. As a result, we note that English is spoken widely. The English language is currently favored by the government, corporate and tourism sectors. Thus, each showing signs of official announcements and public transport, as well as most of the menus in both English and Chinese. Visitors will not face major problems in communicating in English as mastered most of the taxi drivers and vendors and employees in the tourism sector and the police this language. In fact, it uses many of the locals words and phrases English speaking slot at the Chinese language.
Coexist these languages ​​and dialects in an atmosphere of openness reflects the high level of cultural tolerance in Hong Kong, where share many categories of Christian churches prayer space with Chinese temples; Buddhist temples and Taoist temples and Sikhs; mosques and synagogues. The presence of ancient cultures and continuous in society had to adapt continuously with the changes, led to the formation of a unique, contemporary culture is actually between tradition and innovation. , Hong Kong is a city where you see elderly men playing table games at the ancient Chinese Tablets digital, and where they are celebrating Christmas and the Chinese New Year with the same enthusiasm, and the design of skyscrapers are the most sophisticated in consultation with experts of feng shui.

The climate in subtropical Hong Kong with different chapters. The weather only one that can predict and that may be highly influential on your travel plans are hurricanes Typhoon.
Typhoon hurricane season starts in May and ends in November. When the deadline is approaching Hurricane Typhoon, warnings are broadcast via radio and television. There are different degrees of warning signals issued by the Meteorological Department in Hong Kong, but when the show started carrying the warning signal number 8, shut down most businesses and shops doors, may be flight cancellations. There is a separate warning system for heavy rain.
You can find detailed information on the current weather and seasonal on the website of the Meteorological Department in Hong Kong. While you are in Hong Kong, you can also dial 1878 200 and press the number "3" of the English language to get the latest weather news.
Features all classes of Hong Kong
Spring (March to May)
High temperature and humidity. Weather cool evening.
Average temperatures: 17 ° C - 26 ° C
Summer (from June to August)
Weather is hot and humid and sunny, with rain and scattered thunderstorms. May temperatures exceed 31 degrees Celsius, but the high humidity levels make you feel that the weather hotter than it is in reality.
Average temperatures: 26 ° C - 31 ° C
Autumn (September to November)
Witness this chapter breezes nice, and the weather is often sunny and temperatures appropriate. This is three months, according to a lot of people, the best months of the year to visit Hong Kong.
Average temperatures: 19 ° C - 28 ° C
Winter (from December to February)
Weather cool, dry and cloudy accompanied by sporadic cold air masses. The temperature drops to less than 10 degrees Celsius in urban areas.
Average temperatures: 12 ° C - 20 ° C


vendredi 15 août 2014


Founded emirate in 1833 to the Bani Yas tribe, led by Al Maktoum at the Al Khor area, a natural harbor which boosted fishing and trade, Dubai is the second largest emirate in the United Arab Emirates after Abu Dhabi, and limit the Emirate of Abu Dhabi in the West and the Emirate of Sharjah in the east, and has evolved into the emirate economically and residential lot in the past few years, because the economic income depends mainly on trade, real estate, financial services and also on tourism and the oil is not like other Gulf states, which occupies the status of a global tourist great.

Click on the image to view full.

Enjoy the emirate climate is very hot in the summer winds saturated with moisture and the increase of average temperatures in the morning and go down for the night, while winter is warm with Amaknyh rainfall.


Characterized by the emirate's massive ground transport network of buses, taxis and sophisticated metro and contain the wild ways of the wider roads in the world and linking the emirate network bridges and tunnels included and beyond built according to the latest international standards.

The most important roads in the city:
* Union Street which is fast and connects Dubai Sharjah.
* Sheikh Zayed Road, which is fast and connects Dubai, Abu Dhabi.
* Emirates Road, which is fast and connects Dubai, Sharjah and Abu Dhabi.

Click on the image to view full.

The most important bridges and tunnels:
* Shindagha Tunnel under the waters of the creek and connects Deira Dubai paper.
* Al Maktoum Bridge and has been created between the two banks of the creek and connects Deira Dubai paper.
* Garhoud Bridge, a bridge between the two shores of the creek and is one of the highways complementary to Sheikh Zayed Road.
* Floating Bridge, a bridge floats on the waters of the Dubai Creek, and is the first of its kind in the Middle East and North Africa.
* Business Bay Crossing the creek and leads to the main business district.
* Bridge is the longest suspension bridge in the world and linking between the two shores of Ras Al Khor and the Opera House, featuring a path for Metro.
* Airport Tunnel, which passes under the Dubai Airport and is one of the longest tunnels in the area and show it.
* Bridges, interchanges on Sheikh Zayed Road
* Giant bridges to the island of Palm Deira

How to reach the Emirate
Air transport
Includes the emirate the largest airport in the world and the largest airline in the world, Emirates, in addition to the company flydubai economic.

Traditional boat, between Deira and Bur Dubai
Dubai Creek is the tongue of water inside to dry and can move between both banks of the creek by the Water Bus

Dubai Metro Red: Contains more than 50 stations, the first of its kind in the region.
The Green Line: The longest automatic metro in the world, and works without a driver, a friend of the environment where it is fully electric, and there are special places for women and children only, and it also places dedicated to people with special needs.

[CENTER] Click on the image to view full.
Tourist attractions in the city

Boom Tourist Village

Is a village Architectural special open seven days a week from nine in the morning until one in the morning and located next to the Creek Park near Wonder Land Family Park and includes a cafe, restaurant and Theme Park and Lake and Marina comprises five boats.

Beit Wakil
Built in 1934 and is located on the edge of the creek near the Opera House, a museum to display the fishing and ancient traditions

Dubai Museum
Was built in 1799 to protect the city has turned into a palace included garrison and prison to be renovated in 1970 to be a museum featuring exhibits-sized natural addition to the sound effects and optical also contains exhibits about the creek and the Arab house ancient mosques and palm gardens, desert and the old port and paintings that reflect from the depths of the sea and the search for Pearl museum also houses some of the gems that have been found in tombs Algsas in the back of his time to 3000 and 4000 as a year ago that a military fort architectural masterpiece
The museum is open daily from 8:30 am to 8:30 pm except Fridays open from 3 pm

Grand Mosque
Located in Bur Dubai near the creek was re-built in 1998 and has the highest minaret of a mosque in the city and has a length of 70 meters and the mosque is an architectural masterpiece
Heritage and Diving Village
Alhandgjh located in the area near the mouth of a creek and admission is free and includes a night in cafeterias outdoor and a lot of stores that sell handmade products

Jumeirah Mosque
Located accidentally Jumeirah is one of the most beautiful mosques and symbolizes the modern Islamic architecture and a breathtaking view of the sunset and is available from 10:00 each one and T is Saturday to Wednesday from 8:00 until 3:00 p.m.

Ski Dubai
It is the first indoor ski resort in the Middle East

Burj Khalifa
It is the tallest building in the world and is one of the finest tourist destinations in the world

Is the theme park entertainment includes global village where offers folkloric and reviews live fantastic fireworks and exercise and fun games fun and enjoy a variety of international cuisine and buy the finest varieties of goods and products from all over the world, and there is the Dubai Autodrome racing cars

Wild Wadi
Situated magician in front of Burj Al Arab Hotel, a water theme park, and the night of the ladies are not allowed to enter the men nor children more than 8 years provided to show proof of age and be a staff of only women.

Wonder Land
And the games for the young as well as for water games and electric toys

Creek Park
City containing the child as well as green spaces and the cable car and also at certain times of the dolphins Offers

Click on the image to view full.

Dancing fountain
Called the Dubai Fountain is located in Downtown Burj Dubai or Down Town Burj Dubai, next to Dubai Mall and Souk Al Bahar and begin a day throughout the week from 18:00 to 22:00 and the last week from 18:00 to 12:00 of almost every half-hour show begins and the duration of the display almost 5 minutes and each display differs from the others in terms of the type of music and view

Dubai Aquarium and Zoo Water
[/ B] in the Dubai Mall, which is a window on the world of marine life is stunning with daily deals to feed the fish, and is one of the largest centers of marine life and most diverse in the world, and the center provides performances variety include boat trips with a transparent floor, diving with sharks, and experience dive into the cage

Popular markets

Deira Covered Market
Marshy area located near the bus station in the emirate and market specialized in the trade of textiles and clothing which is the main market

Gold Market
Featuring shops with windows petition includes ornaments and jewelry is one of the largest gold markets in the world

Spice Market
Market includes many products, spices and dried fruits are coming from all over the country and sold directly from sacks

Dubai Shopping Festival
Dubai's famous festival, which is held every year from 1996 AD

marrakech (3)

Determine the historical sources to build the first nucleus of Marrakech in 1070 by marabouts, who are set Amazigh tribes of nomads came from the desert. This has evolved into the city under the rule of Sultan Ibn Yasin (1061 - 1107) to a large extent from the results of the expansion Almurbati in African and Andalusia to become a political and cultural center of the Islamic west.

After the restoration of the united it after entering the city in 1147, they have taken the capital of their rule. And performed by several historical landmarks still constitute the pride of their time Ksoumah Koutoubia Bmsadjadaha,

Fences, doors and gardens in addition to the bridge over the valley Tensift has been used until recently. Thus, under the rule of Marrakech known Unitarian radiation make them a great cultural center, economically and politically that is unmatched in the Muslim West.

Unitarian seized in front of the weakness coming from the Middle Marinids year 1269 AD the city of Fez, but they took them to the capital, near the latter from their place of origin, which led to a decline in the city of Marrakech and converts it to a secondary position. In the year 1551 AD the city regained its status as the capital of Saadaan (1589 m -1659 m). For their reign was the construction of buildings and new facilities and the most important Badi Palace complex Mouassine School and the son of Joseph and the Saadian tombs and the number of waterings.
Under the rule of the Alawites, the Sire Rashid renovating a mosque Bin Saleh Marini, but his successor, Moulay Ismail first all interest in the capital of the new rule Meknes. Oukz work of Sultan Sidi Mohamed Marrakech to re-position and through the establishment of new neighborhoods and landmarks. It could be argued that the final form of Marrakech taken some from the reign of Sultan as this was confined to the next stages ml restoration has been accomplished since the Middle Ages.
Given the wealth of great cultural legacy, the city of Marrakech has become a magnet for tourism and the global headquarters for international conferences, high-level, it occupies a special place in modern Morocco

Historians disagree on the date of construction of the walls of the city of Marrakech, but it is likely that most of them between 1126 to 1127 m.

It is estimated that the geographical Idrissi along these fences Almoravid about nine kilometers were all built with soil compacted or what is termed locally as "the board" or "cob."
During the era of uniform, work caliph Yaqub al-Mansur to strengthen the fabric of the city and fortifications built trachea, which was the seat of government or the city of the store, along the lines of other cities in the Muslim West.
Unitarians support Casbah several doors, some disappeared leaving only the door of which is still Oگnaw Raassaa silo off the mosque, which is the main door of the Almohad rod, which is unique from the rest of its shape through the bow doors fully homogenized parties, and high decoration

                                                                   Badi Palace
Morocco built with the victory of the Portuguese army in the battle of Valley Stores. The historical sources indicate that the Sultan has brought for its construction and decoration of skilled craftsmen and engineers Moroccans and foreigners so that some historians and geographers have regarded veterans of the wonders of the world.
Badi Palace is located in the north-eastern side of the rod, the overall design is characterized by the parameter of the distribution of the harmonic buildings around a rectangular courtyard. The latter mediates large tank length of 90 meters and width of 20 meters and four tanks, four other side interspersed with gardens. The most important characteristic of the Badi Palace frequent motifs and the diversity of materials used and Kalrkham crowns and columns covered with gold leaf and Polychrome earthenware and carved and painted wood and plaster. However, this parameter have been magnificent for the demolition of 1696 m where used Moulay Ismail elements decorated her new ornament buildings Meknes his capital.

Marrakech (2)

Ancient capital of Morocco, and the third-largest city after Casablanca and Rabat, Morocco is located in the center of the tropical plains region, south of Casablanca, and it ends the way the iron coming from Rabat via Casablanca.
Marrakech date back to the beginning of the establishment of the state where the Almoravid Maghreb Far south of Spring Valley or vast lands without regulation or administrative significant urban centers, with the exception of group oases Tavellt and largest Sgelmasp. It was known in those respects, inter alia, AQIM licorice. It was Abu Bakr Ibn Umar may show after he entered the valley Tenseevt and settled in it that this is the northern part of his property is safe or immune, and it needs to base to be a bastion of Snhadjiyan Sahrawis who were threatened by the dangers of the north of the hand Barghoath, and east of the hand built Ministers owners Castle Bani Hammad. The tribe also Mgraoh Alzenatih was simplifies the jurisdiction of the city of Fez and River Basin Speu.
He spent the first stationed at Sultan Alzenatien in Sgelmasp, and advanced towards the country Mgraoh, and the conflict between the two sides was no doubt coming, and then it was necessary for those Sahrawis from base their. Those were the reasons that spurred Abu Bakr Ibn Umar to think about the creation of Marrakech or Mruicks, meaning Wall stone or stone city, which al-Qaida strongholds, has chosen Abu Bakr Ibn Umar to his hometown or base located to the south of the northern slopes of the Atlas Mountains amid easy Ishqh the upper reaches of the River Tenseevt . The land houses of two tribes and two tribes Msodh Eurich White Ilan or Helena, and each was the subject of a gated Ogmat or using refuge for the tribe and the seat of the women and children and the repository for cattle and arms.
The tribes fought Each of them wants to be the city in the land, and the establishment of the city ended up in the land that adjoins the two tribes, and replaced Ogmat Eurich and remained Ogmat Helena, which later became a suburb of the city of Marrakech.
He began Abu Bakr Ibn Umar in the construction of Marrakech in 451 AH / 1060 AD, and completed by Ibn Yasin, who took over the presidency of the marabouts, and Marrakesh was in the desert land is low, haf her Joseph Wells, bring them water, and did not j Be surrounded Marrakech from the mountains only a small mountain it was cut stones that built his palace, including Joseph, and the general construction of the city was of brick. And knows that you are easy to Marrakech where the name of the creek, which is easy to descend toward steeper slow stream Tenseevt which just five kilometers north of the city to the north-west, where the average elevation Tlan Gliese or two Englishmen and the village of Wadi slaves. The modern part of Marrakech, which was established during the French called Gliese extends Tel Gliese to the ancient city wall, and to the north of the country is a jungle of palm famous covering 13,000 hectares, and includes (100,000) Palm, and that is the greatest palm forests in Morocco Far north of the Atlas.
No sooner are building this city until it turned into centers of civilization and Islam in the south of Morocco maximum, has had an impact in the political and civilized people in the Valley area Tenseevt. Marrakech has evolved through a rapid development era Almurbati which were set up mosques and markets, have been adopted to get the water they need from the underground sewers Ondlcin created by the Arabs, and remained Marrakech based on those sewer for a long time.
And has been the city of Marrakech military camp, and a military base for troops stationed to the besieged forces Unitarian led Abdelmoumen Ben Ali in 541 AH / 1147, went down Mount Achaeliz and there beaten Abdelmoumen dome of red and built a mosque and a silo long oversees them to Marrakech. Then creep Unitarians en masse to Marrakech Putting Abdelmoumen of ambushes when his city, he went out Army stationed to meet the Unitarian pretending they defeated then went out ambushes on the Knights stationed and crushed crushed, and killed countless number is, and follow the Unitarians Phil stationed the sword to the doors, and they tightened their siege, and long-the blockade on the people of Marrakech and then he Unitarians income after the girl died Fano Omar bin Bintan and was fighting men in uniform, and surrendered Prince and a number of princes, Venqlhm Unitarians to mount boards where killed Abu Hassan bin and LACAC.
Remained Marrakech the capital of the united even days confident in God Abu Ala Idris, also known as Abu pin that alliance with built Marin to take over the succession peer abandoning them for the city of Marrakech, Vanthz Abu pin chance vacant walls of guards here and its garrison and Tzur Marrakech door Ogmat and income while suddenly and accidentally Casbah, entered it from the door of the drums, Favre MURTADA from Marrakech to Azemmour dead where he died in 665 AH / 1267 AD. But Abu pin broken his promise to the children of Marin forced Prince of Abu Yusuf Yaqub Almareni to attack Marrakech in 668 AH / 1270 AD, and ended up killing my father pin in front of the walls of Marrakech that income Army built Marin in 668 AH / 1270 AD. The weakness like Marrakech in the era of Bani Marin for taking them to the capital city of Fez Vtother its development on this, and dropped its political position.
But Marrakech regained its place in the era of supervision Saadian as the capital of the country in the period (917-1069h / 1511-1659 AD), especially in the era of Sultan Ahmed bin Mohammed al-Saadi, nicknamed the Golden Mounsour (986-1012h / 1578-1603 AD) who Omehrha the most wonderful buildings that brought the memory of ages Unitarian.
After the Ottomans entered Tunisia, Algeria tried to integrate Marrakech within regions of the Ottoman Empire. As a result, under Morocco for five centuries until the early twentieth century in the immune control of the Ottoman and European although there were some pockets of coastal him in the hands of the Portuguese and Spaniards As a result, under Morocco's character and appearance, as has been the conditions of constant while the Arab world in its entirety under Ottoman rule.
But that did not last long was the penetration of the Spanish influence in Marrakech under the Treaty of 1277 e / 1861 held by Sultan Muhammad bin Abdul Rahman with Spain, so that added to Marrakech exposed to European penetration in the wake of German unification in 1286 AH / 1870 AD. That's when Germany began to suffer from the problem of non-owned colonies like Britain and France so that they can discharge their products, and access to raw materials for industry and the creation of markets where it has Hence, Germany began looking forward to search for colonies in outside of Europe and as a result began rivalry between them and France in order to Marrakech Vtsdt France for this attempt by linking itself with several agreements with some countries in Europe were held agreement with Italy that launches the hands of Italy versus France in Marrakech that France launches the hands of Italy in Tripoli and Cyrenaica. France also held an agreement with Spain in 1317 AH / 1900 AD have agreed on the sharing of the southern parts of Spain to Marrakech and receives the Rif region, which includes the coastal strip from Marrakech contrast to the coast of Spain at Gibraltar while France gets what's left of Marrakech. In early 1324/1906 was agreed to hold an international conference in the town of Green Island to study the situation in Marrakech. And it was agreed to recognize the sovereignty of Marrakech and decided to create a police force from France and Spain to maintain security in Marrakech.
After the success of France and Spain in the beating of armed resistance in Morocco resorted patriots to the political struggle arisen several parties tended to be soft in its demands, also founded several newspapers to defend the interests of the country were issued in the Paris magazine "Morocco" In Fez issued newspaper "the work of the people" in French and Al-Hayat newspaper , also established the first Moroccan party on behalf of the bloc Moroccan labor in late 1354/1934, as the form of another party in the French occupation, headed by Allal El Fassi and took over the party leadership of the national movement in Marrakech in the late thirties of this century, and remained so until the country gained its independence

Marrakech (1)

Marrakech City open Charitha and fascinated. Each written Bhsasih. Each understood and experienced in their own way. Every facet of the coveted and where desired.
In Marrakech you can not resist a strange feeling, it may seem to him like someone who drank blood in love sweetheart urgent. Whenever approached her and love her increased thirst and thirst them.

Is not a requirement to be a Moroccan loves to Marrakech. May be an Arab may be a Western or even from the far east. In Marrakech, and unlike many, whether they are among the city's residents or visitors of between Moroccans and Arabs, it seems tourists red city, coming from the cities of snow and bitter cold, as if they were racing against time to enjoy Bashmesha.

Tourists love the sun, and the sun-loving Marrakech, and therefore prefer to spend most of the year Mtzmrh above the surface of the city.

Who does not know anatomy surfaces cities in our warm, it asks that find our women who were above, in the past, an outlet in the direction of the sky, after narrowing their ground, on Rahaptha.

Today, narrowed surfaces on the beauty of women, slipping to the ground waddling through the markets and streets of cities

Lived in Marrakech whenever the sun in the sky of the city to solve the city's tourists more, and enjoy more.

Sun Marrakech is Marrakech rain. With the sun comes the good and active tourism.

That Atkahrb air and rain and the sun disappears from the sky, it remains the worst that can disturb the mood of tourists in Marrakech.
In Marrakech, a tourist spends most of his day on his way to his body and his eyes half or quarter open towards the sky and the sun.

Days of sun and night magician: to Marrakech more than fun. Marrakech in multiple Vdhaeadtha and wonderful charm. May spend the life without that recognize each Aoualemha. It is able to tamper with a strange feeling, in Marrakech, known as the tourist that the days of sun and night in front of a few magician, so insists on going with the day Marrakech to the maximum goals.

Marrakech, the city is inhabited by Vtskink. Destination Vtaatjadded Vic desire to re-visit at the earliest opportunity.

Tourism in Egypt (1)

Tourism is an important source of national income, which is a mirror that reflects the image of Egypt's civilization for all countries of the world, as it provides hard currency and contribute to solving the problem of unemployment and economic problems crunch that threatens the lives of all Egyptians to the land of Egypt, tourism is the fire of the country Khan as they say it.
As Egypt is the Kenana God on earth oasis of security and safety gift of the Nile and the pyramids and the home of the prophets and apostles and the cradle of civilization and the spring of culture and the heart of the world blessed with a viable tourism which pays foreigners to flee their homelands love in the poll and watch everything they hear about him homelands other, has blessed our country unique location and atmosphere adorable and a cloudless sky and the sun is shining, as Egypt is characterized by the presence of tourist attractions is the effects of timeless dazzle the eyes and enchant kernels and minds are the cradle of the Pharaohs track all strange and wondrous that three pyramids one of the seven wonders, as well as temples, museums and by great Sphinx, as well as their combined Azhar's oldest Islamic university in the east and are also historic castles represented in the Citadel of Saladin Castle Alvarma and palm trees, etc., and by the House of Egyptian Antiquities and Cairo Tower tall as one of the features of our modern civilization and other historical monuments as the existence of the River Nile lifeline as well as the High Dam symbol of the Renaissance, progress and mega-projects which was held on the land of Egypt in the south of the valley and the east and west.
There is no doubt that the demand by tourists to our country increases our income and compounding of wealth and is considered the best publicity in all parts of the world and earns us the friendship of peoples and makes people from around the world learn about Egypt and the originality of its people and stand beside us in every adversity and crises.
Really really Tourism in Egypt great, whether in Sharm el-Sheikh or South Sinai, where beaches are dazzling, tourist villages brilliant and clear blue waters and soft sand in these places practiced tourists hobbies diving, fishing, and scouting trips through the beauty and ships where enjoy seeing colorful fish and youth reefs.
It is worth mentioning that the state took over all tourism interest in the provision of safety and security and the development of tourist facilities and beautify the beaches and a lot of green spaces that give a sense of comfort and pleasure and beauty.
From Taif to martyrdom and great phrases to say that Egypt is an oasis Security Just say a poets:
What threw me Ram and kept intact
Old care of God against me
Bgt on how much state and Jarret
And then still those Ukbi infringement
The mention of God in the Quran well and thrive and guidance where he says ((If you open God Egypt Vatakdhuha which it is heavily recruited soldiers are the best hosts of the earth))
It is worth mentioning that Egypt has seen many civilizations including the civilization of Coptic - Pharaonic - Islamic - modern contemporary - so we must be careful to tourism and we are working to entice tourists to visit our country to see what has been achieved in our land of the projects and achievements of the giant in the era of President Mubarak patron tourism and father forearm who is keen to interview tourists and Mdaabthm spirit of paternity must Nanve in good treatment of tourists and provide ways late and accommodation for them and earn their friendship and hygiene and good publicity for Egypt abroad even working on the promotion of tourism and revitalization even reflected its impact on national income and solving the problem of unemployment, which threatens our youth.