samedi 16 août 2014

Hong Kong


Hong Kong is located at the mouth of the Pearl River Delta on the coast of southern China. Has been turned into a center of attraction for international trade, thanks to its geographical location, which made ​​it a gateway between east and west. As a result, it was still bustling Victoria Harbour and the heart of the beautiful cosmopolitan city in Asia. Hong Kong Island is located in the south of the harbor, and constitute the Kowloon Peninsula, the northern beaches. And is located in the northern New Territories Kowloon, stretching even mainland China. The Hong Kong with more than 200 islands surrounding, including Lantau Island, where the Hong Kong International Airport.

Hong Kong is located on the southeast coast of China, has contributed to its strategic location on the Pearl River Delta and South China Sea coast in converted into one of the most recognizable cities in the world thanks to its prosperity and openness to the world.
I was born and Hong Kong that we know today when the government defeated the Qing dynasty Chinese in the First Opium War in 1842, and ceded Hong Kong Island to the benefit of Britain. During the 60 years, has also been leasing the New Territories and 235 surrounding the island of Britain. However, the history of the area occupied by the Hong Kong today 0.1100 square kilometers, preceded by a series of events Qing more than a thousand years. While exploring the rich heritage of the city, you will discover the stories of the powerful clans and pirate invaders and European traders.
Characterized Hong Kong, since its early days as a British colony, being a center of international trade. In the turbulent years of the early twentieth century, the number of the city's population as a result of the influx of a large number of refugees, mostly from China. This has helped the arrival of large numbers of immigrants in the launch of a new role of Hong Kong as a major industrial. Became characterized Hong Kong is also an abundance of energy and industrial resources where, what contributed to stimulate the economy. In recent decades, with the opening of the economy, which witnessed the Chinese mainland, Hong Kong fought a new twist - this time to a service-based economy and an important gateway to the largest market in the world.
In the first of the month of July 1997, turned to the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region of the People's Republic of China, pursuant to the principle of "one country, two systems." This arrangement allowed the city to enjoy a high degree of autonomy, including maintaining its system of capitalist and an independent judiciary and the rule of law, free trade and freedom of expression.
A quick look at the city gives a strong impression that change is the only constant is here. However, the essence of Hong Kong has not changed in spite of all these transformations. In fact, the energy and dynamism which are transformed in the last group of fishing villages inert to the meeting point for international trade, ferrying day global city in Asia to the twenty-first century. Experience the story of Hong Kong and the essence of yourself by exploring the rich culture and heritage, which is characterized by the city.

                                                           Language and Culture

Back preferred this rich mix of cultures, which gives Hong Kong character individually to the colonial history of the city and its port International. Although the majority of the city's population speak the Chinese language, but you'll hear a mix of Asian and European languages ​​when hiking in the streets of the city.
Speaks 88 per cent of the population of Hong Kong Cantonese language, a dialect minority in mainland China. However, in Hong Kong spread to other Chinese dialects, such as Alhaka and Altaacheiniz Altaoshio and, of course, and Mandarin - which represents the official Chinese dialect spoken and became widely since the reunification of the city in 1997.
Starting from the date of the establishment of colonial Hong Kong harbor, passing through the stage, which turned the city into a manufacturing center, right down to its current role as a financial center worldwide, showed the population of the city is always a lot of openness to the world. As a result, we note that English is spoken widely. The English language is currently favored by the government, corporate and tourism sectors. Thus, each showing signs of official announcements and public transport, as well as most of the menus in both English and Chinese. Visitors will not face major problems in communicating in English as mastered most of the taxi drivers and vendors and employees in the tourism sector and the police this language. In fact, it uses many of the locals words and phrases English speaking slot at the Chinese language.
Coexist these languages ​​and dialects in an atmosphere of openness reflects the high level of cultural tolerance in Hong Kong, where share many categories of Christian churches prayer space with Chinese temples; Buddhist temples and Taoist temples and Sikhs; mosques and synagogues. The presence of ancient cultures and continuous in society had to adapt continuously with the changes, led to the formation of a unique, contemporary culture is actually between tradition and innovation. , Hong Kong is a city where you see elderly men playing table games at the ancient Chinese Tablets digital, and where they are celebrating Christmas and the Chinese New Year with the same enthusiasm, and the design of skyscrapers are the most sophisticated in consultation with experts of feng shui.

The climate in subtropical Hong Kong with different chapters. The weather only one that can predict and that may be highly influential on your travel plans are hurricanes Typhoon.
Typhoon hurricane season starts in May and ends in November. When the deadline is approaching Hurricane Typhoon, warnings are broadcast via radio and television. There are different degrees of warning signals issued by the Meteorological Department in Hong Kong, but when the show started carrying the warning signal number 8, shut down most businesses and shops doors, may be flight cancellations. There is a separate warning system for heavy rain.
You can find detailed information on the current weather and seasonal on the website of the Meteorological Department in Hong Kong. While you are in Hong Kong, you can also dial 1878 200 and press the number "3" of the English language to get the latest weather news.
Features all classes of Hong Kong
Spring (March to May)
High temperature and humidity. Weather cool evening.
Average temperatures: 17 ° C - 26 ° C
Summer (from June to August)
Weather is hot and humid and sunny, with rain and scattered thunderstorms. May temperatures exceed 31 degrees Celsius, but the high humidity levels make you feel that the weather hotter than it is in reality.
Average temperatures: 26 ° C - 31 ° C
Autumn (September to November)
Witness this chapter breezes nice, and the weather is often sunny and temperatures appropriate. This is three months, according to a lot of people, the best months of the year to visit Hong Kong.
Average temperatures: 19 ° C - 28 ° C
Winter (from December to February)
Weather cool, dry and cloudy accompanied by sporadic cold air masses. The temperature drops to less than 10 degrees Celsius in urban areas.
Average temperatures: 12 ° C - 20 ° C


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