samedi 16 août 2014

United States of America

                                         General definition of the United States of America

United States of America is a federal constitutional republic comprising fifty states and the Federal Capital Territory. Most of the country is located in the center of North America, where the 48 states and Washington, DC between the Pacific Ocean and the Atlantic Ocean and is bordered by Canada to the north and Mexico to the south. Alaska is located in the northwest of the continent, bordered by Canada to the east and Russia to the west across the Bering Strait. The state of Hawaii, which is an archipelago located in the middle of the Pacific Ocean. It also includes many of the state land and islands in the Caribbean and Pacific.

United States comes in third or fourth in terms of area (3.79 million square miles, or 9.83 million km 2), and occupies third place in terms of population (307 million people). And characterized the United States as one of the world's most diverse in terms of race and culture, and came as a result of mass immigration to different countries. [6] The American economy the largest national economy in the world, with an estimated GDP for 2008 estimated at 14.3 trillion (USD 23 per cent of the global total, based on nominal GDP and almost 21% in terms of purchasing power parity).

Country was founded by thirteen British colony along the Atlantic coast. These colonies issued the Declaration of Independence on the Fourth of July in 1776, which acknowledged their independence from Great Britain and the formation of a federal government. Defeated the rebellious states of Great Britain in the American Revolutionary War, the first colonial war successful get independence. [8] adopted the Convention on the Philadelphia American Constitution current on the seventeenth of September in 1787; was ratified in the next year, making those states part of a single republic have a strong central government. As has been the ratification of the Bill of Rights in 1791, and comprises ten constitutional amendments to ensure a lot of basic civil rights and freedoms.

In the nineteenth century, the United States acquired land from France, Spain, the United Kingdom, Mexico, Russia, and annexed the Republic of Texas and Hawaii. Disputes between the agricultural area south and the north industrial area about states' rights and the expansion of the slave trade to the outbreak of the American Civil War in the sixties of the nineteenth century. Prevent the victory of the northern region a split in the country, which led to the end of legal slavery in the United States. The national economy has become the largest economy in the world by the year 1870 and confirmed the Spanish-American War and World War I on the military power of the country. In 1945, the United States had emerged from World War II to be the first country with nuclear weapons and a permanent member of the Security Council of the United Nations, and founding member of the North Atlantic Treaty Organization. As the United States became the only superpower in the world after the end of the Cold War and the disintegration of the Soviet Union. The amount the United States spends on American forces about 50 per cent of global military spending, as is the strength of economic, political and cultural world.

General information about the country:
-National motto: In God We Trust
-DC: Washington
-Largest city: New York City
- Official language: not an official language at the federal level
- The national language: English (de facto rule)
- Designation of the population: American
- The system of government: a constitutional republic with a presidential federal
- President: Barack Obama
- Vice: President Joe Biden
- Chairman of the House of Representatives John Boehner
- Chairman: Justice John Roberts
- Legislative power: Congress
- The Supreme Council: the United States Senate
- The lower house: the House of Representatives
- Human Development Index (2011) 0.910 (very high)
- Currency USD: ($) (USD)
- Time zone: (UTC -5 to -10)
- In the summer (DST): (UTC from -4 to -10)
- Point of leadership: right
- Internet code: .us .gov .mil .edu
- International dialing codes: +1

                                How to immigrate to the United States of America

Immigration to America Aacharaah limited in several ways:

1 reunion is his father or mother or sister or son or daughter, husband or wife in the United States

2 migration adoptions

3 migration of businessmen who want to invest a million dollars in America

4 cases of humanitarian asylum

5. immigration through a lottery organized by the State Department annually

There is no need to pay any dollars for any human being, you can apply yourself in accordance with the standards required by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs
                                                 Draw immigration to America

Each year, the American government provides the opportunity for anyone who wants to migrate through the work of a random draw (lottery), and choose between 50000 and 55000 people worldwide. This is completely random lottery, any unrelated to age, sex or religion. But there is a minimum to provide them, which the applicant a high school diploma or its equivalent, or proof of work experience for two years in the job recognized by the American government.

Required: Name - Title - Date of Birth - Place of Birth - level of education - the social situation (in addition to the same data for the husband / wife and children, if any), with a photograph and one minute for each individual specifications.

The application period begins from the beginning of October until the beginning of December

And announce the results in the period between May and July

Important Note:
American electronic lottery does not require any expenses when filling out an application at the site approved, direct, and is recognized by the authorities, and does not recognize any mediation by sites or other bodies.

                                                         Studying in America

characterized by the education system in the United States multi-study options available to students because enrolls them in proportion to first with his desires and inclinations personal, and secondly with the requirements of the labor market, so finding study options multiple students in the United States in line with the meet reality and variables market working and new fields which arise within the United States and globally.

And adopt the American Academy of Science and Technology option professional education, which has become one of the most study options prevailing in America, which aims to provide scientific knowledge and the process required to the labor market in the United States and abroad, among the elite of the diploma programs professional characteristic provided by the American Academy of Science and Technology in a manner contemporaneous The contemporary and grainy for all students from various countries around the world.

May be specialties Diploma Professional studied by the American Academy of Science and Technology, such as international trade, marketing, business management, advertising, project management, human development, financial management and other disciplines distinctive, is the most popular valuable field of professional education in America, and that the American Academy of Science and technology provide them to students in America and all the nations of the world in a way distance education according to the highest scientific standards applicable in the United States of America and the adoption of a full and constant supervision of the department keeping quality and the quality of education at the American Society for education.

                                                 Work and live in the United States

United States is the largest economic power in the world and the most powerful of the Republic, the population of the United States enjoy the best facilities to live and work, and get a chance to live and work in the United States is a dream come true, people from all over the world seeking to obtain permanent immigration (green card) every year, different benefits and the many advantages of the green card in the United States attracts people to get the green card.

There are different ways to get a green card to the United States, however, the best and easiest way is through the lottery. Lottery Program (also known as the Green Card Lottery) operated by the United States Citizenship and Immigration Services, provides 55,000 green cards each year.

Despite the existence of other means of providing green card but people are attracted towards diversity lottery program because of the simplicity of the application process and the chances of winning the green card lottery by luck.

The second most popular ways to get a green card (green card) of the United States are:

   1 through immigration care of by family members - and this is a multi step process which need to be citizen is nearby
Of the United States or a permanent presence of migrants. Your neighbor (who is a citizen or lawful permanent resident of the United States) to submit a petition to your advantage with your directory with respect to them, and then must wait, and conduct a series of checks.

2 - migration through work - and the process for people who came from a group of professionals categorized by the United States government as a priority for workers and professionals holding advanced degrees, or skilled technicians and workers, immigrants or private. If a person of any of the above categories, then he should be the employer as a sponsor of the American, who completed a certificate request to work for the applicant, and submitted to the Ministry of Labor, Employment and Training Administration. This is a multi-step process that involves many documents, restrictions and verification at each end.

To avoid the hassles of these operations, most applicants choose to program the lottery to get a green card. Although the results of the lottery program declared after two years, but due to less frills than other processes to get a green card is the best.

After obtaining a green card, winning not only qualified to live in the United States for an indefinite period. But gets different types of preferences and facilities by the Government of the United States.

In short, the green card in the United States guarantees a bright and successful in personal and professional life. Therefore, if you tend to travel to America, a request was made to get a green card through the lottery program and check your luck.

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