vendredi 15 août 2014

Marrakech (2)

Ancient capital of Morocco, and the third-largest city after Casablanca and Rabat, Morocco is located in the center of the tropical plains region, south of Casablanca, and it ends the way the iron coming from Rabat via Casablanca.
Marrakech date back to the beginning of the establishment of the state where the Almoravid Maghreb Far south of Spring Valley or vast lands without regulation or administrative significant urban centers, with the exception of group oases Tavellt and largest Sgelmasp. It was known in those respects, inter alia, AQIM licorice. It was Abu Bakr Ibn Umar may show after he entered the valley Tenseevt and settled in it that this is the northern part of his property is safe or immune, and it needs to base to be a bastion of Snhadjiyan Sahrawis who were threatened by the dangers of the north of the hand Barghoath, and east of the hand built Ministers owners Castle Bani Hammad. The tribe also Mgraoh Alzenatih was simplifies the jurisdiction of the city of Fez and River Basin Speu.
He spent the first stationed at Sultan Alzenatien in Sgelmasp, and advanced towards the country Mgraoh, and the conflict between the two sides was no doubt coming, and then it was necessary for those Sahrawis from base their. Those were the reasons that spurred Abu Bakr Ibn Umar to think about the creation of Marrakech or Mruicks, meaning Wall stone or stone city, which al-Qaida strongholds, has chosen Abu Bakr Ibn Umar to his hometown or base located to the south of the northern slopes of the Atlas Mountains amid easy Ishqh the upper reaches of the River Tenseevt . The land houses of two tribes and two tribes Msodh Eurich White Ilan or Helena, and each was the subject of a gated Ogmat or using refuge for the tribe and the seat of the women and children and the repository for cattle and arms.
The tribes fought Each of them wants to be the city in the land, and the establishment of the city ended up in the land that adjoins the two tribes, and replaced Ogmat Eurich and remained Ogmat Helena, which later became a suburb of the city of Marrakech.
He began Abu Bakr Ibn Umar in the construction of Marrakech in 451 AH / 1060 AD, and completed by Ibn Yasin, who took over the presidency of the marabouts, and Marrakesh was in the desert land is low, haf her Joseph Wells, bring them water, and did not j Be surrounded Marrakech from the mountains only a small mountain it was cut stones that built his palace, including Joseph, and the general construction of the city was of brick. And knows that you are easy to Marrakech where the name of the creek, which is easy to descend toward steeper slow stream Tenseevt which just five kilometers north of the city to the north-west, where the average elevation Tlan Gliese or two Englishmen and the village of Wadi slaves. The modern part of Marrakech, which was established during the French called Gliese extends Tel Gliese to the ancient city wall, and to the north of the country is a jungle of palm famous covering 13,000 hectares, and includes (100,000) Palm, and that is the greatest palm forests in Morocco Far north of the Atlas.
No sooner are building this city until it turned into centers of civilization and Islam in the south of Morocco maximum, has had an impact in the political and civilized people in the Valley area Tenseevt. Marrakech has evolved through a rapid development era Almurbati which were set up mosques and markets, have been adopted to get the water they need from the underground sewers Ondlcin created by the Arabs, and remained Marrakech based on those sewer for a long time.
And has been the city of Marrakech military camp, and a military base for troops stationed to the besieged forces Unitarian led Abdelmoumen Ben Ali in 541 AH / 1147, went down Mount Achaeliz and there beaten Abdelmoumen dome of red and built a mosque and a silo long oversees them to Marrakech. Then creep Unitarians en masse to Marrakech Putting Abdelmoumen of ambushes when his city, he went out Army stationed to meet the Unitarian pretending they defeated then went out ambushes on the Knights stationed and crushed crushed, and killed countless number is, and follow the Unitarians Phil stationed the sword to the doors, and they tightened their siege, and long-the blockade on the people of Marrakech and then he Unitarians income after the girl died Fano Omar bin Bintan and was fighting men in uniform, and surrendered Prince and a number of princes, Venqlhm Unitarians to mount boards where killed Abu Hassan bin and LACAC.
Remained Marrakech the capital of the united even days confident in God Abu Ala Idris, also known as Abu pin that alliance with built Marin to take over the succession peer abandoning them for the city of Marrakech, Vanthz Abu pin chance vacant walls of guards here and its garrison and Tzur Marrakech door Ogmat and income while suddenly and accidentally Casbah, entered it from the door of the drums, Favre MURTADA from Marrakech to Azemmour dead where he died in 665 AH / 1267 AD. But Abu pin broken his promise to the children of Marin forced Prince of Abu Yusuf Yaqub Almareni to attack Marrakech in 668 AH / 1270 AD, and ended up killing my father pin in front of the walls of Marrakech that income Army built Marin in 668 AH / 1270 AD. The weakness like Marrakech in the era of Bani Marin for taking them to the capital city of Fez Vtother its development on this, and dropped its political position.
But Marrakech regained its place in the era of supervision Saadian as the capital of the country in the period (917-1069h / 1511-1659 AD), especially in the era of Sultan Ahmed bin Mohammed al-Saadi, nicknamed the Golden Mounsour (986-1012h / 1578-1603 AD) who Omehrha the most wonderful buildings that brought the memory of ages Unitarian.
After the Ottomans entered Tunisia, Algeria tried to integrate Marrakech within regions of the Ottoman Empire. As a result, under Morocco for five centuries until the early twentieth century in the immune control of the Ottoman and European although there were some pockets of coastal him in the hands of the Portuguese and Spaniards As a result, under Morocco's character and appearance, as has been the conditions of constant while the Arab world in its entirety under Ottoman rule.
But that did not last long was the penetration of the Spanish influence in Marrakech under the Treaty of 1277 e / 1861 held by Sultan Muhammad bin Abdul Rahman with Spain, so that added to Marrakech exposed to European penetration in the wake of German unification in 1286 AH / 1870 AD. That's when Germany began to suffer from the problem of non-owned colonies like Britain and France so that they can discharge their products, and access to raw materials for industry and the creation of markets where it has Hence, Germany began looking forward to search for colonies in outside of Europe and as a result began rivalry between them and France in order to Marrakech Vtsdt France for this attempt by linking itself with several agreements with some countries in Europe were held agreement with Italy that launches the hands of Italy versus France in Marrakech that France launches the hands of Italy in Tripoli and Cyrenaica. France also held an agreement with Spain in 1317 AH / 1900 AD have agreed on the sharing of the southern parts of Spain to Marrakech and receives the Rif region, which includes the coastal strip from Marrakech contrast to the coast of Spain at Gibraltar while France gets what's left of Marrakech. In early 1324/1906 was agreed to hold an international conference in the town of Green Island to study the situation in Marrakech. And it was agreed to recognize the sovereignty of Marrakech and decided to create a police force from France and Spain to maintain security in Marrakech.
After the success of France and Spain in the beating of armed resistance in Morocco resorted patriots to the political struggle arisen several parties tended to be soft in its demands, also founded several newspapers to defend the interests of the country were issued in the Paris magazine "Morocco" In Fez issued newspaper "the work of the people" in French and Al-Hayat newspaper , also established the first Moroccan party on behalf of the bloc Moroccan labor in late 1354/1934, as the form of another party in the French occupation, headed by Allal El Fassi and took over the party leadership of the national movement in Marrakech in the late thirties of this century, and remained so until the country gained its independence

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