vendredi 15 août 2014

marrakech (3)

Determine the historical sources to build the first nucleus of Marrakech in 1070 by marabouts, who are set Amazigh tribes of nomads came from the desert. This has evolved into the city under the rule of Sultan Ibn Yasin (1061 - 1107) to a large extent from the results of the expansion Almurbati in African and Andalusia to become a political and cultural center of the Islamic west.

After the restoration of the united it after entering the city in 1147, they have taken the capital of their rule. And performed by several historical landmarks still constitute the pride of their time Ksoumah Koutoubia Bmsadjadaha,

Fences, doors and gardens in addition to the bridge over the valley Tensift has been used until recently. Thus, under the rule of Marrakech known Unitarian radiation make them a great cultural center, economically and politically that is unmatched in the Muslim West.

Unitarian seized in front of the weakness coming from the Middle Marinids year 1269 AD the city of Fez, but they took them to the capital, near the latter from their place of origin, which led to a decline in the city of Marrakech and converts it to a secondary position. In the year 1551 AD the city regained its status as the capital of Saadaan (1589 m -1659 m). For their reign was the construction of buildings and new facilities and the most important Badi Palace complex Mouassine School and the son of Joseph and the Saadian tombs and the number of waterings.
Under the rule of the Alawites, the Sire Rashid renovating a mosque Bin Saleh Marini, but his successor, Moulay Ismail first all interest in the capital of the new rule Meknes. Oukz work of Sultan Sidi Mohamed Marrakech to re-position and through the establishment of new neighborhoods and landmarks. It could be argued that the final form of Marrakech taken some from the reign of Sultan as this was confined to the next stages ml restoration has been accomplished since the Middle Ages.
Given the wealth of great cultural legacy, the city of Marrakech has become a magnet for tourism and the global headquarters for international conferences, high-level, it occupies a special place in modern Morocco

Historians disagree on the date of construction of the walls of the city of Marrakech, but it is likely that most of them between 1126 to 1127 m.

It is estimated that the geographical Idrissi along these fences Almoravid about nine kilometers were all built with soil compacted or what is termed locally as "the board" or "cob."
During the era of uniform, work caliph Yaqub al-Mansur to strengthen the fabric of the city and fortifications built trachea, which was the seat of government or the city of the store, along the lines of other cities in the Muslim West.
Unitarians support Casbah several doors, some disappeared leaving only the door of which is still Oگnaw Raassaa silo off the mosque, which is the main door of the Almohad rod, which is unique from the rest of its shape through the bow doors fully homogenized parties, and high decoration

                                                                   Badi Palace
Morocco built with the victory of the Portuguese army in the battle of Valley Stores. The historical sources indicate that the Sultan has brought for its construction and decoration of skilled craftsmen and engineers Moroccans and foreigners so that some historians and geographers have regarded veterans of the wonders of the world.
Badi Palace is located in the north-eastern side of the rod, the overall design is characterized by the parameter of the distribution of the harmonic buildings around a rectangular courtyard. The latter mediates large tank length of 90 meters and width of 20 meters and four tanks, four other side interspersed with gardens. The most important characteristic of the Badi Palace frequent motifs and the diversity of materials used and Kalrkham crowns and columns covered with gold leaf and Polychrome earthenware and carved and painted wood and plaster. However, this parameter have been magnificent for the demolition of 1696 m where used Moulay Ismail elements decorated her new ornament buildings Meknes his capital.

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